architecture, Belgium, Bristol, Cornwall, Folly, garden, garden history, landscape, Mausoleum, North Yorkshire, public park

A Sham Sepulchre in Rome, & three more at home (& a detour to Brussels)

The fact that a building in the Albano hills above Rome has been known since the 18th century as the ‘so called’ mausoleum of the Horatii and Curiatii speaks volumes: it was in fact constructed on the Appian Way centuries after the legendary rival Horatii and Curiatii triplets are said to have battled for their pride and people. But the legend and the sham sepulchre must have made an impression: back home in England it inspired at least three monuments in landscape gardens.

To quickly summarise the story told by the Roman historian Livy: the Horatii (from Rome) and Curiatti (from Alba Longa) families each had triplets. With their respective cities at war it was decided that rather than lose whole armies, the two sets of boys would instead settle the two communities differences with a fight to the death. Rome were the victors, with only one brother surviving the battle. It’s not clear when this monument became associated with the triplets, but the legend was certainly told to the many Grand Tourists who passed along the Appian Way in the 18th century. The Duke of Buckingham and Chandos saw it in the early 19th century and noted that there ‘seems great reason to doubt it being rightly called’, but felt that nonetheless it had an ‘imposing air’.

An 1834 view of the monument from the Grand Tour sketchbook of Susan Fereday (1815-1878). Courtesy of the National Library of Australia

These visitors brought home sketches, watercolours (professional and amateur) and engravings which circulated amongst their friends and family on their return.

‘The so-called Sepulchre of the Horatii and the Curiatii at Albano Laziate’, by Carlo Labruzzi. Courtesy of the National Galleries of Scotland,

Three people in particular took notice: Sir William Morice at Werrington in Cornwall, Norborne Berkeley, 4th Baron Botetourt at Stoke Park near Bristol, and William Aislabie at Studley in Yorkshire. Each of these men built structures on their estates that took inspiration from the monument, and contemporary visitors recognised the tomb of the Horatii and Curiatti as the source of the design.

Jenkins, Thomas (attributed); Sir William Morice of Werrington (d.1750), MP; Royal Albert Memorial Museum;

The earliest ‘copy’ of the monument was that at Werrington Park, near Launceston in Cornwall. It was probably built after Sir William Morice of Werrington returned from his Grand Tour, which had included a stay in Rome, in 1730. It is shown in this undated portrait of Morice, but as he died in 1750 it was clearly extant at that date. The itinerant Bishop Pococke confirmed that it was based on the monument in Rome: he described it as a ‘model of what is called the Tomb of the Horatii’, although he gives no further information. The forward-thinking Victorians were less-impressed with such ‘pseudo-antiquities of the type of which the 18th century was fond’, but after this dismissal Sir Alfred Robbins’s history of the Launceston area does at least confirm that by 1888 the building was known as the ‘Sugar Loaves’ on account of the three conical pinnacles. When Barbara Jones saw it in the middle of the 20th century it was still in pretty good condition, but what was once both eye-catcher and viewpoint is now lost in undergrowth, and little survives today.

View of the tomb from Montfaucon, Vol 5, part 1, as consulted by John Aislabie.

Dating the version of the tomb at Studley Royal in North Yorkshire, is more problematic, and The Folly Flâneuse is grateful to National Trust archaeologist Mark Newman for his help in assessing the available information. John Aislabie (1670-1742), and his son William (c1700-1781) both ornamented the landscape at Studley, but there are no accounts relating to the monument to confirm which man was the builder. A visitor in the late 1750s is the first to mention the monument, and notes that it was based on a plate in Montfaucon’s L’antiquité expliquée, which had been published in 1719 (with an English translation appearing in 1722). That has been taken to suggest that the building was a recent addition and therefore William was the builder. But Mark Newman believes that stylistically the Roman Monument, as it was called, belongs to the earlier period when John was laying out the landscape. Research continues…

The remains of the Monument to the Horatii and Curatti at Studley, sadly missing its rooftop obelisks.

It is however certain that the inspiration was ‘the remains of the Monument erected to the memory of the Horatii’, although the Aislabie version was known simply as the ‘Roman Monument’. Being a pragmatic Yorkshireman, Aislabie (senior or junior) built the base as a summerhouse for refreshments and for admiring the view to his Octagon Temple across the valley. The 5 rooftop pinnacles survived until at least the middle of the 19th century, but there is no trace of them on site today, and without them the little building has lost its meaning and impact.

In the first years of the 1760s Norborne Berkeley, Lord Botetourt, who had been in Rome in the 1730s, erected a version of the monument at Stoke Park, near Bristol. The design was drawn up by his polymath friend Thomas Wright. This too was recognised by Bishop Pococke: he visited in 1764 and saw a ‘model of the Monument of the Horati, at Albano’. Pococke’s description of an arched building with four pediments and a frieze topped with four obelisks sounds considerably more elaborate than the original, probably because it also functioned as an eye-catcher from the mansion.

A reconstruction of two corners of the monument at Stoke Park.

The building was already a ruin a century ago, before collapsing completely, and until recently was largely forgotten. Bristol City Council, current owner of the park, hopes to fully restore the building when funds allow, and some work has been completed. But for now one needs to use one’s imagination.

P.S. The Folly Flâneuse has been indulging in a little armchair travel this week. In her mind she has been transported to Brussels, where an exhibition on Belgian Follies has just opened. Featuring architectural drawings, plans of landscape parks, watercolours, engravings, and photographs, the show encourages the visitor to escape for a moment from the ‘turpitudes of the world’ and immerse oneself in follies. The Folly Flâneuse was happy to oblige, albeit virtually, and thanks to curator Michel Mathy can give a sneak preview here.

Of the many works in the exhibition, this view of the picturesque Vignou Tower in the grounds of the château d’Attre, in the Belgian province of Hainaut, really appealed. It was beautifully painted by Marie-Thérèse du Toict, whose family seat the château was in the early 19th century. Two further views of the estate by Marie-Thérèse are also in the show, as are this 18th century design for a garden pavilion and photograph of a charming Chinoiserie kiosk:

Fabrique dans le parc du château d’Attre: la tour “Vignou”, n.d., Dessin Marie-Thérèse du Toit d’Ackelghem (1791-1851), Collection château d’Attre, Photo CIVA, Brussels – Luc Nagels. (The Vignou Tower, château d’Attre, Belgium)
Projet de fabrique de jardin à trois pavillons, Laurent-Benoît Dewez (1731-1812), vers 1760-1780. Collection Archives Générales du Royaume, Bruxelles, inv. T006 543. (Design for a folly of three pavilions, c.1760-1780)
Pavillon chinois à Waleffes, Belgium (Chinese Pavilion at Waleffes, Belgium) Photo: M. Mathy.

If you are lucky enough to be able to visit, please report back. If not, you can read more about the exhibition, and watch a folly-filled film (in French, with Flemish subtitles, but visually lovely even if you don’t know the languages) here

Thank you for reading, and if this post has prompted any thoughts or questions please scroll down to comment. If you would like to receive a folly story in your inbox each week then why not subscribe. 



The Needle’s Eye, Wentworth Woodhouse. Subscribe and discover many other fascinating follies.


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12 thoughts on “A Sham Sepulchre in Rome, & three more at home (& a detour to Brussels)”

  1. Gand says:

    Flaneuse is one who strolls. What is the word for one who sits?

    1. Editor says:

      Good question! I’ve tried and failed to come up with an erudite and witty response. Will ponder this one…

  2. Lisa says:

    A charming start to the day. I am transported to wonderful places and can wander freely with the Folly Flaneuse to guide me with expertise and knowledge.

    1. Editor says:

      Thank you! Plenty of wonderful places on our doorstep to explore soon, and we can plan some more exotic travels as we wander.

  3. Jane (in Leeds) says:

    Thanks for solving our often pondered mystery of the Roman monument at Studley. We’ve come up with many theories over the years whilst walking in the estate – with it’s current bleak appearance, one was that it was a gaol for incarcerating poachers!
    Will have to look out for any illustrations showing its original form.

    1. Editor says:

      Delighted to be of service!

  4. Pat G says:

    Is anything known about the origins of the Sham Sepulchre itself?

    1. Editor says:

      My A level in Ancient History is now ancient history itself I’m afraid. There doesn’t seem to be a firm answer: historians suggest late in the period of the Roman Republic.

  5. Judy Rossiter says:

    Thank you for another fascinating account of these disappearing features in our historic landscapes . Your research and delightful articles will help to keep them alive . You manage to make a whole picture out of pieces of a jigsaw puzzle !

    1. Editor says:

      Delighted you enjoy the posts. Thanks for taking the time to comment.

  6. Graham Daw says:

    The Sugar Loaves at Werrington were standing twenty years ago although with crumbling stonework. Each cone stood on a high cubic base forming a ‘T’ in plan. The leading pair were linked by an arch under which was a seat.
    Werrington Park has or had the full bag of elements forming an early Arcadian landscape.
    I have been studying LIDAR images of it and the amphitheatre of Temple of the Sun shows very clearly as does the Ruined Castle. For the latter its position is clear but the arrangement is a little hazy. Rectangular tower bases flanking circular ones. All enormously stretched out to form a screen similar to the travel journal painting by Rev. John Swete.
    Roger Morris could be involved here. The church which has a wide eye catching West front- echoes of Filliegh here- and the now lost 18C stables which had a Tuscan portico.
    Watercolour World has some illustrations of Werrington. A fancied up Warren House seen there is a delight.
    I look forward to your Saturday morning posts. Thank you for them.

    1. Editor says:

      Hello Graham. Thanks for sharing this very interesting information about Werrington. It’s wonderful to have the extra tool of LIDAR to help with research and I hope you continue to learn more about the site. Thanks also for the kind comments.

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